Green Delivery

Our local deliveries will be made using cargo bicycles which are a sustainable and eco-friendly way to transport. They reduce carbon emissions and help save the climate.  

The CO2 footprint generated by traditional commercial methods is enormous. Crops are grown globally and transported to the UK, by air, sea and land. Once in the UK the crops then go to large depots to be sorted and redirected to superstores. Crops grown in the south are driven hundreds of miles to the main depots to be rerouted and driven back!

This process is incredibly costly and has a considerable impact upon the environment nationally and internationally.

Things need to change, and where better to start than on our doorstep, by using environmentally friendly cargo bikes to deliver our food boxes into the local communities.

Why Green Delivery

Lets go back to basics when life was simpler. We've adopted the no dig growing technique, which you can join us on through our crop-swap home growers scheme and support local farmers and producers by purchasing their local produce.

We set up local pick up and drop off points. Drop off points could be a local centre, a shed or a garage, where the produce is picked up from our home growers by our delivery bikes and dropped at the pick up point to be collected and delivered to our sorting depot. Once sorted the mixed food boxes will be returned to the pick up point to be either picked up by the members or delivered to your doors by our cargo bicycles.

We are setting up our first hub in Christchurch, where we'll start working with the local community, and through their involvement we'll transform the way we deliver our produce, whilst helping to save the climate. Join us today and let's make a healthy change for our collective futures!

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